The Beauty of Stretching the Horse!
So to date I have been training Art2Ride for about 3 months approximately, the difference I am seeing and feeling in my horse is absolutely remarkable. Capri is a rising 8 year old Holstiener Cross horse. We have been Training Classically all his life, He has only really started ridden work 8 months prior to Art2Ride. As our training started progressing there was a huge missing piece in my training. I studied and read everything I could to try and connect the missing element in my training. It didn't take long for me to realize that there was something not right about my horse becoming sore and hollow very quickly. I train with no restraints,I have trained myself to be able to feel my training with my horse,a long and hard process.But it was worth the education, so this is where it led me to William Faeber,in all of the Masters I have studied they never give this piece of training away,you see the start and the finish,never the middle!!S
So I started researching again,because I was trying everything in my power to help my horse. I have even started studying pressure point Massage and Trigger point therapy for horses. This relieved my horse for a few
days,but it didn't take much and he was sore and tight again, I checked everything,saddle bridle,me......
But it didn't change,until I saw a you tube video of master William Faeber,working with one of his horses. I watched and read absolutely everything that William Faeber has to access. Then I started to apply his teachings to my horse, it was almost a month when overnight an instant change, no stiffness,no resistance,all the soreness just vanished...
I have not massage my horse in over a couple of months.
That is when I applied for the Associate Trainer program and was accepted as an Apprentice, I have not looked back, I only look forward to working with a very happy relaxed,much stronger horse. Our Training is excelling every-time we work together. All my Hard work and studying has all fallen into place,now I have the full picture and their is no gaps that I am missing.
Physically my horse has changed shape,he is much bigger every where that the stretch works with,which is pretty much all of the horses muscles.My horse is stronger and more balanced,his back muscles,neck muscles and hind biceps and muscles have all grown. They will continue to develop as we progress with our training. With out this valuable knowledge,I would not be able to ride my horse in the way I was trying to train.
Master William Faeber is the only Master I have studied that has given this gift of knowledge to the world, such an amazing individual.........
So in short, Stretch,Stretch and stretch some more☺