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Classical Equitation Training

Classical Equitation Training is the first step to developing your horse in the art of dressage. In the teachings of Learning in dept the understanding of the horse's physical and mental development.
Classical Equitation Training is a great option for retraining and to correct problems that are causing you, or your horse, trouble. The classical method brings relaxation,strength and harmony between horse and rider. Your horse will begin to transform before your very eyes.


In Hand Work

In Hand Work develops the horse to work over their backs. Through working with the horse from the ground,the trainer teaches the horse to accept a soft inviting contact. The trainer encourages the horse to step under their body with the hind legs. Through the pushing forwards from behind,the horse lowers their head and neck, as a result  pushes into the bridle. In Hand Work teaches the horse to understand the trainers aids. Here the trainer can practice and refine their training techniques.In Hand Work develops the trainers ability to assess and recognize the horses development as well as their own.

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Through lunging the horse, a trainer can develop the horses back to engage and strengthen. Through lunging,we can teach the horse to stretch in walk,trot and canter. This is where more engagement,activity and balance is trained,the horse can work in a stretched position and learn to carry their own weight. The horses top line muscles,abdominal muscles can be more pronounced and used in a balanced rhythm.

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Ridden Work

Ridden work is only started ,when the horse has been in training for a couple of years. When the core and back muscles have developed enough to be able to carry the weight of the rider. That is when the trainer can teach the horse to start to lift their back.A horse that is working correctly through their back, will carry and work with the rider willingly.

 About the Horse Trainer

Understanding Traditional Training

Passionate. Patient. Persistent

are just a few of the characteristics that describe me.

Every horse is unique,an individual. Like you and me......

I offer sound,holistic,compassionate training. I believe that horses deserve the very best quality in their lives. Training horses to achieve a high degree of athleticism, takes skill,knowledge and experience. We need to train our horses with their  health and happiness as the ultimate achievement.

"The horse is the best judge of a good  rider,not the spectator,if the horse has a high opinion of the rider,he will let himself be guided,if not,he will resist."

Nuno Oliveria

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Western Australia

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